Sometimes life takes us down unforseen paths.
Early morning reflections in Song Kol Lake, 3016m above sea level at the physical and spiritual heart of Kyrgyzstan. |
One of my favourite things about travel is that it teaches you to take advantage of exploring these new routes and opportunities whenever possible.
Snow surrounds a traditional kyrgyz yurt on the final weekend of summer pasture season up at Song Kol.
Case in point: I originally meant to come to Kyrgyzstan, stay for a year, explore the region, then move on to the next place, much as I had with Korea and South America.
Heading up the 3180m Too Ashuu Pass. |
Instead, here I am, three years later, planning to stay for a fourth! I guess we just can't help the places we fall in love with!
A traditional Kyrgyz horseman in Toktogul. |
Fourtunately, in addition to getting to explore this phenomenally stunning, frequently breathtaking (altitude will do that to you), wonderously generous and uniquely welcoming country, I have also had the opportunity to continue travelling for approximately three to four months of every year.
The Walnut groves of Arslanbob/Arstanbap. The largest walnut groves on earth, this ethnically Uzbek region in the south of Kyrgyzstan was once visited by Alexander the Great.
Updates, however, are a thing I have not had an opportunity to continue with. Unfortunately, working only eight to nine months a year (and trying to explore the country around that) has meant that my schedule when based in one place tends to be insanely intensive - and writing intensive at that.
Traditional Islamic plasterwork near the 11th century Karakhanid mausoleum-complex at Uzgen. |
This means that, as much as I'd love to have it drop by, the desire to write is a very rare visitor during my already limitted spare time.
The breathtaking turquise of Kel Suu, 3500m asl. Arguably Kyrzgyzstan's most incredible lake. |
That having been said, the desire to share my travels is still very much alive! Since posting photos takes significantly less time, I've decided to compromise and continue my updates via
instagram. I am currently trying to work through my backlog of five years worth of travel photos, but posts are going up!
Eolian rock formations in the fantastically eroded Boom Gorge. |
So, moral of the story?
Ally is still travelling (would she even continue to exist if she stopped?).
Check out her instagram at
AllyAtWorld to follow her travels there.
The beautiful blue of lake Sary Chelek in Kyrgyzstan's Sary Chelek nature reserve. |
See you all around the globe!